
My name is Ben Hillis. I am a graphic designer, a husband, a father, a coach, a teacher, a Royal Ranger commander.


My name is Ben Hillis. I was born in the suburbs of Atlanta Georgia and raised in the south suburbs of Chicago. I am a graphic designer, but also a husband, father, teacher, coach and a Royal Ranger commander. I am a simple man that believes in good old fashion hard work. I am not afraid to get my hands dirty and I enjoy seeing a project turn from an initial idea to a completed project. With me, the details matter, I strive for perfection, but appreciate how flaws can add character to any project.

When I am not designing, you will find me either at home with my family, coaching a group of boys on a soccer field, working on my car, building something in my garage or teaching a karate class. I live my life unselfishly and do what I can to help raise the next generation to do the same.